Karachi to Islamabad train ticket price and Timing in 2024

Karachi to Islamabad train ticket price

Karachi to Islamabad train ticket price vary from train to train and class. Business class prices range from 12350 to 9250, AC standards from 8250 to 9850, and economy class prices from 5450 to 3500. There are six trains between Karachi and Rawalpindi: Green Line Express, Tezgam Express, Awam Express, Rehman Baba Express, and Pakistan … Read more

Faisalabad to Karachi train ticket price and Train Timing in 2024

Faisalabad to Karachi train timing

Faisalabad to Karachi train ticket price vary from train to train and class. Business class prices range from 8700 to 8200, AC standards from 6450 to 5950, and economy class prices from 4000 to 3050. There are five trains between Faisalabad to Karachi.: Karakoram Express, Shalimar Express, Millat Express, Rehman Baba Express, and Pakistan Express. … Read more

Green line train ticket price in 2024

Pakistan Railways‘ flagship service, the Green Line Train, ensures a comfortable and enjoyable ride. Before planning the trip, discover the Green Line train ticket price for major stations as well as for all intermediate stations that suit your location and needs. Make your trip memorable with the Green Line Train, the epitome of luxury and … Read more