Karachi to Islamabad train ticket price and Timing in 2024

Karachi to Islamabad train ticket price vary from train to train and class. Business class prices range from 12350 to 9250, AC standards from 8250 to 9850, and economy class prices from 5450 to 3500. There are six trains between Karachi and Rawalpindi: Green Line Express, Tezgam Express, Awam Express, Rehman Baba Express, and Pakistan Express. All trains provide AC and Economy classes, which are comfortable. However, economy class is cheaper than AC class. This variety allows travelers to choose between luxurious comfort and economical travel, catering to different budgets and preferences. Whether seeking comfort or savings, there’s a train for everyone. The train ticket price from Karachi to Islamabad & Rawalpindi is the same.

Train wise Karachi to Islamabad train ticket price

Karachi to Rawalpindi train ticket price
Train NameAC SleeperA.C BusinessA.C StandardAC ParlourEconomy BerthEconomy Seat
Green line 5 Up12350/-9850/-11050/-5450/-5350/-
Khyber mail 1 Up10,000/ 3600/-3500/-
Tezgam 7 Up1410010700/-8750/-10600/-4800/-4700/-
Awam express 13 Up10,000/8650/-3600/-3500/-
Rehman Baba 47 Up9250/-8250/-3600/-3500/-
Pakistan Express 45 Up9250/-8250/-3600/-3500/-

Train wise Rawalpindi to Karachi train ticket price

Islamabad to Karachi train ticket price
Train NameAC SleeperA.C BusinessA.C StandardAC ParlourEconomy BerthEconomy Seat
Green line 6 DN12350/-9850/-11050/-5450/-5350/-
Khyber mail 2 DN 10,000/ 3600/-3500/-
Tezgam 8 DN1410010700/-8750/-10600/-4800/-4700/-
Awam express10,000/8650/-3600/-3500/-
Rehman Baba9250/-8250/-3600/-3500/-
Pakistan Express9250/-8250/-3600/-3500/-

Karachi to Islamabad train ticket price and Timing

Karachi to Rawalpindi Train Timing

Train Timing from Karachi
Train nameKarachi CanttRawalpindi
Green line 5 Up22:0020:1020:25
Khyber mail 1 Up22:1501:3502:05
Tezgam 7 Up17:3019:50
Awam express 13 Up07:00 am12:25 pm12:50 pm
Rehman Baba 47 Up12:00 pm13:2513:45
Pakistan Exp 45 up14:0016:35

Rawalpindi To Karachi Train Timing

Train Timing Rawalpindi to Karachi
Train nameRawalpindiKarachi Cantt
Green line 6 DN15:2015:4014:45
Khyber mail 2 DN01:25 am01:50 am06:00 am
Tezgam 8 DN08:0010:40 am
Awam express 14 DN12:3513:0016:35
Rehman Baba 48 DN14:1514:3516:35
Pakistan Exp 46 DN06:00 am08:45 am

Travel Between Rawalpindi and Karachi

 People travel between Rawalpindi and Karachi for many reasons. As Pakistan’s largest city and a significant port, Karachi is a bustling center for business, trade, and jobs. People from Rawalpindi often go to Karachi for better job opportunities, to study at its famous universities, or to enjoy its beautiful beaches and lively culture. Karachi has many attractions, such as shopping malls, parks, and historical sites, that draw visitors.

On the other hand, Rawalpindi is close to the capital city, Islamabad, and has a charming charm. It’s known for its military headquarters, historical sites, and vibrant bazaars. People from Karachi might travel to Rawalpindi for government work, to visit relatives, or to see the scenic beauty of the Margalla Hills and Murree.

Many people prefer to travel between Rawalpindi and Karachi by train. Trains are popular because they are comfortable, affordable, and offer scenic countryside views. Train journeys also allow passengers to relax, move around, and enjoy the trip without worrying about traffic. Trains like the Green Line Express and Pakistan Express provide convenient and reliable services, making them a favorite among travelers.

Pakistan Railway Map

Both cities have unique qualities and attractions, and traveling between them helps people explore new opportunities, experience different cultures, and strengthen business connections. Whether for work, study, or leisure, the journey between Rawalpindi and Karachi is essential for many Pakistanis.

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